Custom Safes
Designed for you space: Any Size, Any Color, Any Configuration
Your Custom Safe
From Concept to Creation
Why we should build your custom safe
The owner of this contemporary apartment in mid-town Manhattan wanted a small high security jewelry safe to fit inside a cabinet. We made the safe as narrow as we could at only 14 inches. The height and depth were typical dimensions, so the jewelry drawers were still a good size and provided enough storage for their jewelry. In keeping with the colors of the apartment the safe was painted in a high gloss white with white lacquer painted drawers to match.

For this project the safe was an afterthought. The client had a cabinet in the den, and she wanted a small jewelry safe for items she wore often. It was a very convenient location that concealed the safe. Our textured white paint finish blended perfectly with the cabinetry, and the Walnut interior made a beautiful contrast. We lined the jewelry trays with a very feminine shrimp color ultra-suede.
In this huge walk-in closet a space was designed to have a safe elevated above the drawers for easy access. We painted the safe to match the room which was painted with Benjamin Moore’s White Dove. The safe’s interior was done in Walnut which looked great with the high gloss white exterior. The custom jewelry trays were lined with a fawn color ultra-suede. There was going to be a cabinet door concealing the safe so we designed the drawers to accommodate a 90 degree door swing.
In this elegant room with gray trim the built-in space was made to accommodate this safe. The homeowner wanted an all-black safe for his four favorite watches and jewelry. We made the exterior with a gloss black paint finish with polished chrome hardware. The hardwoo cabinetry was lacquer painted with many coats for a magnificent gloss finish and we used black drawer pullls to maintain the montone look. The jewelry inserts were made with a lagoon color ultra-suede that contrasted beautifully against the black. We made a watch panel with four Orbita watch winders ( to kee his watches running smoothly.
This walk-closet had an ideal space for a jewelry safe, so fabricating to these
dimensions was simple. We painted the exterior a custom gloss color to match
Benjamin Moore’s Chantilly Lace. The Birdseye Maple interior was stunning, and the light blue ultra-suede fabric was a beautiful complement
The interior designer of this luxurious home created a space for the jewelry safe behind double cabinet doors. The safe’s door was limited to a 90-degree door swing, so we designed the drawers to accommodate this. The safe was elevated for convenience and the base of this cabinet was structurally reinforced to hold a five hundred pound safe. The safe’s white gloss exterior and white lacquer painted drawers matched the room along with the gray ultra-suede lining.
In this palatial home in the Hamptons every room and closet were designed with contemporary elegance and practical use of space. The same held true for the jewelry safe. The custom white glossy exterior matched the millwork and fit perfectly inside a bedroom cabinet. The jewelry drawers were lacquer painted to match the exterior and the white Nabuka fabric maintained an elegant monotone appearance. Every jewelry tray was customized for her collection. A couple of drawers included an additional tray that could slide back and forth for additional storage. Interior lighting further enhanced the beauty of this high security jewelry safe.
In this sprawling home in Greenwich CT space was not an issue and there were many places to install the safe. The interior designer suggested a hall closet which provided convenient access without interfering with the design of the master bedroom closet. It was a large safe designed with jewelry drawers for frequently worn jewelry as well as adjustable shelves to accommodate future collections and miscellaneous items. They wanted four watch winders, so to keep it simple we designed the Walnut cabinetry around the Orbita In-Safe 4 unit. Using the model watch winder minimized space and allowed them to remove and travel with the winders if they ever wanted to. The safe’s exterior was painted in a high gloss custom color that matched Benjamin Moore’s Steam color, and black hardware was in keeping with the finishes in the home.
This luxurious jewelry safe was designed for his extravagant watch and jewelry collection. The designer created a space within the built-in shelves and supported the base to hold a 700-pound safe. The safe was painted in a custom gloss color to match Benjamin Moore’s Hale Navy. The safe’s polished brass hardware was elegant. The safe’s exquisite interior was done in African Mahogany hardwood with Navy Blue ultra-suede jewelry trays. The jewelry drawers were designed for his specific collection and it also including one deep drawer for hanging folders. The 24 Orbita watch winders kept his watches on-time and the interior lighting highlighted everything inside.
This Homeowner wanted the safe hidden behind a mirror covered door in the bedroom. The depth of this space was only 16.5 inches deep, so we had to design the jewelry drawers in a way that maximized the storage space. Also, since the safe’s door was limited to a 90-degree door swing we had to design a way to hang her large neklace collection. The safe’s textured white exterior with Birdseye Maple interior and buff colored ultra suede looked magnificent, and the jewelry drawers were designed to her specifications.
A few of our Custom Safes
Whatever level of security you require and whatever space you have to work with we will design the perfect jewelry safe to store and protect your valuable collection.
A few of our Custom Jewelry trays and drawer inserts
Bases on your jewelry and watch collection we will help you design inserts that are beautiful and make the most practical use of space. Our reputation for designing the finest quality custom drawer inserts is not limited to jewelry; we also design drawer inserts for silverware, sunglasses, lingerie and anything you want to store elegantly.
Our Founder
Robert Tompkin
When I first entered this industry over twenty years ago I was a supplier of high security jewelry safes for the jewelry industry. I spent a lot of time in New York’s Diamond District and learned a lot about jewelry safes. Jewelers began to refer me to their clients who wanted a high-quality jewelry safe for their home.
Back then, there were not many options for home safes that were strong enough to secure jewelry or made in sizes that were feasible for a residential delivery. And they were very unattractive.
I saw an opportunity to create a line of jewelry safes for homeowners who wanted a high security jewelry safe in sizes that could fit neatly in their closet and be attractive. Over the years I have supplied thousands of homeowners with jewelry safes that have met all their requirements.
As online marketing and ecommerce has gown, other safe companies have focused on high volume and low quality by mass producing a few cookie cutter models that can be quickly purchased by clicking a mouse.
I have taken the opposite approach, and supply customers with what they want rather than convince them to buy what I have. It is a one-time investment and I like knowing I am providing a lifetime of security