Robert Tompkin
My name is Robert Tompkin, and I am the founder of Luxe Safes, Inc., a safe and vault company that specializes in manufacturing high security custom jewelry safes for homeowners.
For the past twenty years I have worked with many of the world’s most renowned high-end residential architects and interior designers. They place their confidence in our ability to protect their clients’ most valuable possessions in the strongest and most beautiful jewelry safes.
I have also worked direct with thousands of homeowners who have entrusted us to secure their irreplaceable collection of jewelry, watches and family heirlooms.
Our ability to fabricate safes in any size, any color and any configuration allows our safes to be installed anywhere in the home that is most convenient.
To help properly store your unique collection of jewelry and watches while maximizing storage capacity we will help you customize and design each drawer.
We are proud that our clients rely on our expertise to provide high security safes that are customized to satisfy their specific storage needs. We understand that the intrinsic and monetary value of your jewelry collection is often irreplaceable.
It is that respect for your valuables and your trust that we are committed to manufacturing the world’s strongest and most beautiful safes.